
Learning Agreement

NAME:                                   Nicole Lupton        
COURSE:                             BA (Hons) Costume with Performance Design        
UNIT TITLE:                                    Self Directed Project                    
REF. NO./LEVEL:               CSS518
WEIGHTING:                        2.0      
DURATION:                         9 Weeks       
HOURS OF STUDY:          300 Hours    
Unit Leader:                         Adele Keeley/Graham Cottenden

Your Blog address: 


Within the Self Directed Project I will construct a 2- piece tailored male suit, consisting of jacket and trousers. This will be based within the late Victorian to Edwardian period. This could be from photos, portraits, fashion plates or other means.

I will draft patterns for a jacket, trousers, waistcoat and sleeve. The beginning patterns will be provided by Graham, though these can be altered to the style and shape of the chosen image/ style. In addition samples of techniques skills will be produced showing techniques and development which will be used within the jacket and trousers.

The garment should have some historical accurate though through research and consideration I will make decisions based on historical research and the context of tailoring. Whilst I am concentrating on the tailoring skills I will also be mindful of historical accuracy where possible.

Within making the 2- piece suit, construction work will be backed-up with a blog showing planning, context, reflection, development and evaluation through the construction process. The whole project will then be evaluated in a 750 word evaluation.

Through the undertaking of the project I plan to show a development within tailoring, specialized technical skills clarified, learnt and used which are specific to tailoring. These techniques should be developed and follow on from Defining Practice. As well as new specialist technical skills, that can be used in the future.

In addition I will produce a concise plan throughout the project, scheduling daily and weekly, to improve professional planning and working independently. I will create an overall plan at the beginning of the project, though this will be developed and altered as the project develops as I have a greater understanding of what I expect to get done in the week.

Also, through the process of the project I hope to further my knowledge of the context and concept of tailoring, through research and development.  


A1       To provide opportunities for self-initiated, autonomous learning
            and develop the ability to plan time and work independently

A2       To provide opportunity to study the contextual development of costume and performance design

A3       To further develop the creative, intellectual and practical applications of research and contextualisation within a self initiated environment

A4       To propose, develop and evaluate professional aspirations through professional development planning

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

LO1     Identify and define the context for the development of your own work towards professional aspirations

LO2     Demonstrate an understanding of the development of Costume with performance design
LO3     Have developed the creative, intellectual and practical applications of research and contextualisation

LO4    Consolidate and demonstrate professional aspirations and planning                     

Assessment Requirements:

A 2-piece tailored suit with patterns and samples and a personal reflection of the development of your project in your blog. Under pinned by personal development planning (in your blog journal) and a final written evaluation (750 words) evidenced in your Blog                        100%

Each assessment requirement must be passed at a minimum grade of 40% to successfully complete the unit

Assessment Criteria (specific criteria related to the learning outcomes and linked to the statement of generic assessment criteria matrix):           
  1. Evidence of knowledge of contextual and theoretical issues – The level to which you have considered the context of your project and evidenced that to your body of work (LO1, LO2)

  1. Evidence of understanding through synthesis and development – The application and extend to which research has informed decision-making and project development together with the appropriate management of time (LO2, LO3, LO4)

  1. Evidence of evaluation and reflection – The extent to which you have reflected on the progress of your project and used it to inform personal development planning (LO4)

  1. Evidence of realisation through the communication of ideas - The presentation of your work and the level to which specialist knowledge has been applied, communicated and evidenced (LO3, LO4)

Reference Material

This will vary according to the needs of the individual project.  You will define Reference Material through personal investigation and consultation with staff and list it in your Learning Agreement.

Cabrera, R (1983) Classic Tailoring Techniques- A construction guide for men’s wear. New York: Fairchild Publication.

Devere, L (1866) The Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point System. Mendocino: R.L. Shep.

Houlton, B (1967) Garment Cutting and Tailoring for Students. London: B.T. Bartsford LTD.

Marly, D (1985) Fashion of Men An Illustrated History. London: Batsford LTD.

Ugalini, L (2007) Men and Menswear, Sartorial Consumption in Britian 1880- 1939.
Aldershot: Ashgate Publication Limited.

Vincent, W.D.F (1991) Tailoring of the Belle Epoque: Vicent’s Systems of Cutting all Kinds of Tailor Made Garments (1903). Mendocino: R.L. Shep.

Walker, R (1989) Savile Row, An Illustrated History. New York: Rizzoli.

Waugh, N (1964) The Cut of Men’s Clothes 1600-1900. New York: Routledge Theatre Art Book.

Whife, A.A (1952) A First Course in Gentlemen’s Garment Cutting. Oxford: Aldern and Mowbray LTD.

Whife, A.A (1952) The Modern Tailor Outfitter and Clothier Vol. I. London: The Caxton Publishing Company.

Whife, A.A (1952) The Modern Tailor Outfitter and Clothier Vol. II. London: The Caxton Publishing Company.

Whife, A.A (1952) The Modern Tailor Outfitter and Clothier Vol. III. London: The Caxton Publishing Company.

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